Baby names with unique spelling: good names ruined by bad spelling 您所在的位置:网站首页 baby names Baby names with unique spelling: good names ruined by bad spelling

Baby names with unique spelling: good names ruined by bad spelling

#Baby names with unique spelling: good names ruined by bad spelling | 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Choosing a baby name is rarely easy.

While some people hear a name once and cling to it, the rest of us are left making shortlists, arguing over favourites, or find ourselves totally clueless after the baby is born.

But while names may be hard, spelling should be easy. In theory.

In reality, the quest to give their kids a unique twist to their name can result in some parents taking some truly wild and wonderful creative license on established names.

From overly complicating simple names, to confusing pronunciations of common monikers, to silent letters, we've rounded up the best of good names, ruined by bad spelling.

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